Online Safety @ St Catherine's
At St Catherine's, we believe that learning about Online Safety is a vital life skill. Empowering children at an early age with the knowledge to safeguard themselves and their personal information is something that needs to be nurtured throughout school to see them into adult life.
The children learn all about keeping themselves safe online through Project Evolve. Online Safety is consistently revisited during PSHE and computing lessons to ensure that we are continuosly having conversations about how to stay safe online.
All children understand and have signed the school's acceptable use policy and these are displayed in every classroom.
We also recognise the importance of keeping parents/carers up-to-date with the latest apps and Online Safety concerns. We send out regular reminders to parents about having important conversations at home regarding Online Safety.

At St Catherine's we are committed to improving our Online Safety provision and have achieved a certificate of progress from 360Safe. Please click here to view the certificate.
Online Safety Week
Each year, there is a week dedicated to celebrating all that the children have learnt about Online Safety.
This takes place every February coinciding with Safer Internet Day.
Parents/carers are invited to a Cyber Cafe to look at what the children have been learning about. Also they are given the opportunity to take part in some Online Safety learning with their children and collect fact sheets and guides for popular apps.
Anti-Cyberbullying Day
As part of Anti-Bullying Week (in November), we also celebrate Anti-Cyberbullying Day. The children learn about what cyberbullying is and how to STOP, SPEAK & SUPPORT!