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St. Catherine's Governance

School governors play an important role in the life of St. Catherine’s Catholic Primary School. They provide strategic leadership and accountability and support the school in delivering its aims and objectives and ensuring the correct policies, plans and procedures are in place.

At St Catherine's, the role of Governors also includes the promotion of the school’s Catholic character and mission. The majority of our Governors are Foundation governors who are appointed by the Bishop and they are responsible for ensuring the religious character of the school is upheld and the school is run in accordance with Diocesan policies. 

 In addition to this, Governors are responsible for overseeing and agreeing the school budget, premises and admissions. Governors appoint and work closely with the Headteacher who manages these responsibilities alongside the day to day management and control of the school, delivery of the curriculum and implementation of policies on their behalf on a daily basis.  The Governors meet regularly to provide challenge and support for the school - they are the Headteacher’s “critical friend”.

You can find information about how to contact the school Governors under 'Contact Us'.

You can also find below the 'Structure and Remit of the Board.'

Governor Information 

Please click on the documents below to find out more information about our Governors:

Our Current Governors

Kelly Cole - Ex-Officio Governor - Acting Headteacher

Christine Hopkins - Foundation Governor, Chair of Governors.

Terry Aspell - Foundation Governor

Fiona Kerrigan-Maglia - Foundation Govenor

Gina Hobbs - Foundation Governor

Julie Hamilton - Parent Governor

Jackie Pike - Parent Governor

Zoe O'Brien - Staff Governor

Jo Bailey - Staff Governor

Mike Wallace - Parent Governor


Amelia Penfold - Clerk to Governors


St Catherine's as an Academy

Academy Trusts are all charitable companies limited by guarantee and have two layers of governance: the members of the Trust, who operate at a strategic level (they are the owners of the company, rather like shareholders) and the governors (who together make up the governing body) who have the responsibilities delegated to them by the Academy Trust. The constitution of an academy is set out in its Articles of Association which are agreed with the secretary of state.

The Members of the Trust are:

  • The Clifton Catholic Diocesan Education Consortium
  • The Diocesan Bishop - John Bosco MacDonald
  • The Chair of Governors

All the Governors of St Catherine's are Trustees and Directors of the Company Limited by Guarantee.

We have no staff at St Catherine's who earn in excess of £100,000 per annum.

We have no union officals at St Catherine's


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