St Catherine's Curriculum Intent
We believe that children at St. Catherine’s should have the opportunity to have experiences which are engaging and inspiring and which spark their intellectual curiosity, giving them a desire to become confident lifelong learners.
Our curriculum is designed to ensure our children engage with a breadth of creative learning experiences which they are able to relate to the home in which they live and the wider world which they are citizens of. Inclusivity and diversity, underpinned by the school’s values, develop a sense of belonging in the school community and the wider community. This enables our children to begin to develop an understanding of their place in our world. We want to ignite our children’s love of learning to ensure that they become both interesting and interested in the world they are a part of.
Our aim is for children to develop strong foundations which set them up for future success. Being able to read is like shining a light in the darkness; all children need to learn to read so that they are able to read to learn for this reason, reading is at the heart of the curriculum at St. Catherine’s. Alongside this, our children will learn resilience and perseverance to enable them to conquer the challenges which they face.
Our two -year rolling curriculum is designed to allow children to know more, to remember more and to understand more so that ultimately, wherever their path leads, they will become the people God means them to be and will set the world on fire.
Areas of Responsibility
Mrs Cole - Phonics, Reading & Writing
Miss O'Brien - Maths, RE & Chaplaincy
Mr Hale - PE
Mr Tray - Computing & Online Safety
Mrs Herbert - Music
Miss Lampard - Geography & History
Miss Webb - Art & Design Technology
Mrs Bailey - PSHE, RSE & Science
Mrs Sims - MFL