A Year at St. Catherine's for Parents
Parents, carers and grandparents play a vital role in our wider school community. During the school year, we organise many events for a range of purposes. This page gives you a flavour of the kinds of events that we organise during a school year. Some of them are designed to give information, some to provide updates regading your child's individual progress, some to support charity and some to strengthen the community.
We have previously worked closely with our parents' organisation - Friends of St. Catherine's - to provide a range of events. Sadly, at the moemnt, we don't have parents who are able to run this organisation. If you feel this is something that you and a group of friends may be interested in doing, please contact the school office.
School Events
- New Parents' Meeting (June) - this is an information evening for parents who have children joining the school in the coming September. They have the opportunity to meet key members of staff and see where their children will be learning.
- Home visits for new reception pupils (June/July) - the Reception Teacher and Associate Head Teacher visit the family home to enable them to get to know your child before they start their time at St. Catherine's.
- Open Evening (September) - this is an opportunity for all parents to look around the school and meet the staff who will be working closely with their children during the coming year.
- Parents' Evenings (October and January) - a discussion about how your child has settled in to their new class and how school and parents can work together to support their child's progress.
- Open classrooms - During the term, parents are invited to spend a session learning with their child.
- Harvest Festival (October) - families are welcome to join this celebration in which all pupils take part to remind each other how lucky we are and how we can support those who are less fortunate. (For this event, we ask for donations to the Swindon Food Bank).
- Class Assemblies - throughout the year, classes lead us in assmblies based on the themes that they have been studying in R.E. These take place at 1pm on Fridays and families are welcome to join us.
- Art Gallery (October)- at the end of Art Week, parents have the opportunity to come and see what the children have produced.
- Nativity Play - (December) The children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 perform a Nativity play.
- Easter Happening (Term 4) - Year 3 and 4 lead us in our Easter Happening during the final week of term 4.
- Summer Production (Term 6) - Year 5 and 6 perform an End of Year production.
- Year 3 (June) share their celebration of the Sacrament of First Holy Communion through a whole school liturgy.
- Year 6 and Year 2 (before Term 4) teachers hold workshops to give information to the parents in the lead up to national tests.
- Year 1 teachers hold a phonics workshop to allow parents to see how the phonics screening will take place. (Before term 4).
- Online Safety Workshops for parents (February)
- Pupils take part in wider musical events such as the Swindon Infant and Junior Music Festivals and Young Voices - tickets for these events can be purchased.
- Most of all, parents are involved every day with their child's learning through reading, supporting with homework and discussing what they have learned during the day.