School Uniform
Before buying uniform, PE kit or swimming kit for your child, please read our school uniform policy which can be found on our policy page and is summarised below.
Our school uniform is available to order below, as are the purple polo shirts and jumpers for our Nursery.
The logo was designed by Judy Guillery (a local artist, who has worked with children at St.Catherine's on many occasions) and is a representation of the Holy Spirit in the form of the dove and flames. It includes the quote, 'Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire,' which are St. Catherine of Siena's most famous words.
We appreciate that money is tight for many families at the moment and there is no obligation to purchase school uniform with the school logo on it. However, uniform purchased elsewhere must not have any alternative logo on and must still comply with the school uniform policy - royal blue jumpers and the bright red, yellow, green or royal blue for PE days, black trousers or skirts or tacksuit bottoms for PE days, white shirts or polo shirts or house coloured or white t-shirts for PE days, black shoes or ankle boots on uniform days and black trainers on PE days.
We have regular sales of previously loved school uniform where we ask for donations which families can afford. The next will be on:
Thursday 9th February, at 3:15pm, on the school playground. (These sales are held weather permitting.)
If you are facing financial hardship and need support with uniform at any other time, please talk to the school office and we will do what we can to help.

St Catherine's School Uniform Shop
Our online school uniform shop is easy to use. If you click on the link below then it will take you directly to the website where you will be able to place your order.
You can also call directly on 01793 535900
If you have any queries, then please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
St. Catherine's School Uniform Requirements
At St. Catherine's, we feel it is important that the children look smart and are dressed appropriately at all times, therefore we have a school uniform that they are expected to wear.
- Plain white polo shirt, plain white button down shirt, plain white blouse or those with the school logo on.
- Royal blue school jumper or cardigan - preferrably with the school logo on.
- Royal blue fleece tops - available with the school logo on.
- Black trousers, black shorts or black knee length skirts. (Leggings and tight trousers are not allowed.)
- Blue checked summer dresses.
- Black or white socks or black tights.
- Plain black leather or leather equivalent school shoes without a heel. (Trainers are not allowed even if they are all black.)
- Plain black leather or leather equivalent ankle books, without a heel, may be worn in the winter.
- Black or white sandles with a back, without a heel, may be worn if they are worn with socks.
- Watches and small, plain studs are the only jewellery permitted. Watches must be removed and earrings must be removed or covered with tape for PE.
- Hair accessories should be small and in school colours.
For PE, children are expected to wear:
- T-shirts in their house colour or white. (These are available with houses on from the uniform supplier.)
- Jumpers in their house colour or their usual uniform jumper. (These are available with houses on from the uniform supplier.)
- Black shorts, which are not cycling shorts.
- Plain black tracksuit bottoms or leggings when it is cold.
- Black trainers.
- Plain, one piece swimming costumes or trunks are needed for swimming.