Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Please see our Policies page for SEND policies.
St. Catherine's Catholic Primary School is an inclusive school.
St. Catherine's views each individual child as unique and special. We believe that all children, regardless of their learning needs, should be treated as individuals who have a right to an education that allows them to fulfil their academic, social and emotional potential. We believe that by providing equal opportunities, effective teaching and learning, nurture and encouragement we can support our pupils in becoming capable, confident and independent learners to the very best of their abilities.
Please see our staff page to contact our SENDCo.
Please see our Governor page to contact our SEND Link Governor.
Our Local Offer
Local Authorities are required to publish a Local Offer. This will provide up to date information about the services and support that children with special needs can access in their local area. Schools also publish their 'School Offer' with details of their provision for special needs, which will then be linked to the Local Authority website.
Swindon's Local Offer can be found by following this link:
SEND Yearly Report
CLA Report
Swindon SEND Family Voice Newsletter
Swindon SEND Families Voice produce a termly newsletter containing lots of information about events, support groups and articles covering different areas of SEND. Please click the link below to read the latest newsletter.
Weekly SEND Splash
There is also a weekly newsletter from Swindon SEND Familes Voice which can be found y clicking the link below.
The Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) provides free confidential and impartial advice and support about matters relating to Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND).
Other Useful Links
Celebrating all things neurodiverse:
Swindon Speech and Language:
What is an EHCP?
SEND online Safety: