Welcome to the Friends of St Catherine's
We all have children in St Catherine’s so we are aware of the Family Community strength that is always present.
Why do we have a PTA?
The Friends Of St Catherine’s has been established for a long time now. This has been shown in large and small numbers, always at the heart is to provide fundraising/child enjoyment activities. Whilst creating these activities the purpose is to raise funds for the school to use for equipment etc that is for the benefit of the whole school, it must have an inclusive target.
Role of the Committee
Our PTA committee consists of five Officers: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Vice Secretary. We also have a small group of ordinary committee members who help at events organised by FOSC.
We would like to have a further 2 or more representatives from each class to support the events we put on. The role is not a commitment to the 4 meetings we have if you can’t attend as we send out minutes from the meetings and you can just advise what you can do towards an event for example, picking up lollies for a game at the Christmas Morning or designing some tickets for the Family Disco.
The Committee meet on a regular basis usually once or twice per term, with smaller working groups meeting as necessary when we are planning larger events
How we raise money
Like most PTAs, the majority of our funds are raised through the events that we run.
How we spend the money we raise
Following a fundraising event the money is banked straight away. It is at our PTA Committee meetings, that the decisions on how to spend the money are agreed.
Usually, Miss Burke will have a ‘wish list’ of items that the school would like the PTA to consider funding. Sometimes this will be as a result of the children asking for something.
This year funds are going towards the transformation of the bungalow. FOSC are working closely with the school to turn it from a storage space into two very different spaces. One space will be transformed into a sensory room, filled with a variety of elements to help develop the minds of all children that attend St Catherine's. The second room will be designed as a group activity space with collaborative working areas to encourage learning and inspiration.
Charitable Status
We are a registered charity 1205798 and we comply with the Charity Commission where we submit the information they require about our annual activities and declare who are committee members are who hold an officer role.
I would like to help
If you would like to get involved in any of the roles then please email us at FOSC@stcatherines.swindon.sch.uk or any committee member will be happy to speak with you at school drop off / collection times.
We look forward to having you in our team.