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St. Catherine's Nursery

From September 2021, St. Catherine's Nursery will be open from 8:45am to 11:45am and from 11:45am to 3:15pm from Monday to Thursday and will be open from 8:45am to 1:30pm on a Friday. (This can only be booked as a single sesion but children may be collected at 11:45am if required.)

If your child attends for a whole day then they can either bring a packed lunch or you can order and pay for a school hot dinner using Parent Pay which will be set up when your child joins us.

Sessions are £5.50 an hour.

Please find our application form on our Admissions page.

Terms and Conditions

From the term after a child turns three, all three and four year olds living in England are eligible for 15 hours of funding. In addition, lots of families are entitled to further support with childcare costs. In order to find out what you may be entitled to, please look at this website:


Children born from 1st April to 31st August are funded from 1st September. Those born from 1st September to 31st December are funded from 1st January and children born from 1st January to 31st March are funded from 1st April. Please contact the school office for further support in understanding when your child would be entitled to funding.

We welcome children from the age of three and parents are able to fund places themselves, prior to a child's funding, if they would like to do so. 

St. Catherine's Nursery is open for 30 3/4 hours across the week. If your child attends full time and you are in receipt of funding for the 30 hours, there is no additional charge for the 3/4 of an hour of additional time as this is unavoidable.

If your child is entitled to 15 hours of funding and you would like your child to attend for two full days and one other morning session, this is a total of 16 hours. Again, because this is unavoidable, there is no additional charge for the hour of additional time.

If your child is entitled to 15 hours of funding but you would like to book additional sessions with us, these will be charged at £5 an hour.

If your child is ill, on holiday or otherwise away from nursery, then unfortunately, nursery costs still need to be paid. This is because the place is still available for your child and staffing is still in place.

If your child attends St. Catherine's Nursery, the T D Days will be the same as those for the whole school. These can be found on our calendar.

Should you decide to leave St. Catherine's Nursery at any point, you will be required to give 4 weeks notice.

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