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Safeguarding at St Catherine's

At St Catherine's, safeguarding the well-being of our children is of paramount importance to us: “The welfare of the pupil/student is paramount.” (Children Act 1989.)

We follow the most up to date advice as set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education and staff have regular training.

Our staff and governors are committed to safeguarding the pupil/students at this school and contribute to multi-agency working to keep pupils and students safe.


We work closely with the Swindon MASH (Multi-Agency Support Hub), the community police, the fire brigade and other outside agencies, such as the NSPCC, to ensure that all of the children in our care know how to keep themselves safe and how to get help if they need it.

All adults working in our school maintain an attitude of ' it could happen here'. We recognise that staff, because of their contact with and knowledge of children in their care, are well placed to identify abuse or neglect and to offer support to children in need.
We have many policies which work in line with the relevant legislation, statutory guidance and take account of non- statutory guidance.

Please click here to view our safeguarding policies.

Safeguarding Team


Kelly Cole - Designated Safeguarding Lead, Acting Headteacher - kcole@stcatherines.swindon.sch.uk

Zoe O'Brien - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - zobrien@stcatherines.swindon.sch.uk

Joanna Bailey - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead -  jbailey@stcatherines.swindon.sch.uk


If you need to contact our Safeguarding Governor, please email - safeguarding@stcatherines.swindon.sch.uk

Reporting A Concern

If you are concerned about the safety or wellbeing of any child, please report your concerns directly to a member of the safeguarding team, as soon as you are able to.
In the first instance our Designated Safeguarding Lead - Kelly Cole.


If the DSL is unavailable, please report to our deputy DSL/s: Zoe O’Brien or Jo Bailey.



If you have a concern about the behaviour of a member of staff, please report it directly to the Acting headteacher - Kelly Cole.


If you have a concern about the behaviour of the headteacher, please report it to the Chair of Governors - Christine Hopkins


Safer Recruitment

We expect all staff to share our committment to safeguarding therefore a number of checks are completed on all staff and regular volunteers, such as: 
• An enhanced DBS certificate.
• Identity checks 
• Qualifications are checked
• If an individual has lived or worked outside of the UK an overseas police check / certificate of good conduct may be required. A check of visa/work permit will also be required here.


Prevent is a government strategy designed to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves. Member of the safeguarding team receive 'Prevent' training in line with statutory requirements.

Health and Safety

Staff and governors work together to ensure the premises is safe and secure. There are regular fire drills and there is also an emergency plan.                    All relevant risk assessments are completed and checked by senior staff prior to any school trips.                    When on site, visitors, volunteers and external staff, including supply teachers, who visit our school are asked to read a shortened version of the policy and procedures and wear a red lanyard.

First Aid and Medicines

Many staff are first aid trained at St Catherine's. We work closely with our school nursing service to update all staff every year of any children in the school with medical needs (including children with individual healthcare plans).

Online Safety

At St Catherine's, we ensure children are taught on a regular basis how to stay safe online.  As well as this, regulare reminders are sent out to parents/carers regarding the latest apps or any online safety conerns. All children understand and have signed the school's acceptable use policy and these are displayed in every classroom. For more information about how we approach Online Safety at St Catherine's, please visit our Online Safety page. 


Our Safeguarding policies can be found on our Policies page.

Domestic Abuse

The government’s definition of domestic abuse is:-
‘Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of sexuality or gender.' 

The abuse can encompass, but is not limited to:-
• Psychological
• Physical
• Sexual
• Financial; and
• Emotional

Reports of domestic abuse involving/affecting children who attend St Catherine's will be sent to the school securely using Operation Encompass. These records will be held by the school as part of children’s safeguarding records.

Please visit the Swindon Safeguarding Partnership website for advice, support and relevant contacts if you or someone know is experiencing domestic abuse. 

Useful contacts

NSPCC helpline 0808 800 5000

101 (non-emergency)             999 

Children’s Social Care 01793 466903              Mon - Thurs: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Friday: 8:30am - 4pm
Emergency Duty Service 01793 436699
Before 8:30am and after 4:30pm

Useful links

Swindon Safeguarding PartnershipNSPCCGOV-UK-logo-3col
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