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Religious Education

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RE Curriculum

In Religious Education, St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School has adopted the units of work that have been written by the Department of Schools and Colleges at Clifton Diocese. These units are based on God Matters and are in line with the 2018 expectations and standards in R.E. Religious Education of our pupils not only imparts knowledge as the pupils learn about their Faith, but also deepens their relationship and friendship with God.

The themes within God Matters follow the periods of the Church's year and also includes units on Creation, Revalation and sacramental themes.

Children learn about other faiths both through the taught units and discreetly. They are encouraged to identify similiarities and make comparisons between the practices and beliefs of people of a variety of faiths. We aim to time these units to conicide with key festivals relating to the faiths the children are learning about.



What are Sacraments?

A sacrament is something that uses signs – usually a combination of words and actions. By interpreting these signs correctly we can find out what the Sacrament is doing for those who receive it. The signs are not just words and actions that have a message for those who are celebrating it;  they give those who receive them a gift. They actually do what they say they are doing. They are effective. This gift (which Catholics call grace) is given by Jesus whom they meet in the Sacrament, to deepen and develop their relationship with him.  Through the Sacraments God helps Catholics grow in friendship with Him. 

Clifton Diocese




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